Here is your March Horoscope and Astro-Tarot Oracle.  If you want to read more about what the Lunar Highs and Lows really mean then click here.  And why not check out this free chapter from my new book Astro-Magic, all about what your moon sign really means. Plus, don’t forget to download my free eBook ‘You and Your Birth Chart’. (Please note that current consultation prices can be found here.)

ARIES MONTHLY HOROSCOPEARIES: March 21 to April 20 (Tarot – Eight Of Cups)

In the nocturnal scene depicted on the Rider-Waite deck, a red-robed figure exits a scene of eight cups in the foreground. An alchemical moon swallows the sun, signifying the dying of the light and the upsurge of raw emotion. However, with this card we leave behind certain feelings that have in one sense become useless to us. We’ve seen the futility of regret and no longer wish to carry around the past. Does this resonate with you Aries? Unlike the Cups Five, this card indicates a renunciation of a current phase of life (usually a relationship) that no longer fulfils us. The peculiar, asymmetrical arrangement of the standing cups shows there’s something missing in our life when this card appears – usually, a sense of emotional fulfilment. The swallowed sun emblem suggests that our creativity and happiness may currently be lacking and signifies a sense of doom and gloom, even. Nevertheless, there is a kind of resigned, gritted-teeth approach here. It’s time for you to accept your present reality!


With the Sun in your solar twelfth house until the 21st, your sensitivity to others increases and you are apt to be more dreamy and reclusive. Nevertheless, you can find solace and inspiration in meditation and being away from the crowds. After this it shifts into your solar first house, signifying a fresh start, or even a clean break for pastures brand new. This is what should occupy you at this time – forget the past, move on and start something afresh. This cosmic nudge is even accentuated by the New Moon in your sign on March 24 and a certain plan on the drawing board can get the green light – and after all that impatience too! LUNAR HIGHS: 24-26. You may be in a much better position to call the shots over future plans or career issues, and moves made could well prove decisive in the long term. You may find you’re better off taking charge of your own affairs, and it seems you’re aiming much higher with bigger ideas: getting these started should be more than just possible. LUNAR LOWS: 10-11 Sometimes things refuse to go as planned and this may just be one of those times! Keep to the tried and trusted path of progress, it is this! A period of retreat from the world (and its demands) could be just what the doctor ordered.

TAURUS MONTHLY HOROSCOPETAURUS: April 21 to May 21 (Tarot – The Hanged Man)

The passive expression on the face of the Hanged Man (in the Rider-Waite pack) suggests that his suspension from the cross is a voluntary one. He’s there because he wants to be. The kind of awareness open to us here is therefore one of seeing the whole picture – looking at life not through fragmentary and prejudiced opinions but as it really is. With the Hanged Man we approach matters with a more gentle and intuitive feel for the situation, letting life happen to us, as opposed to holding it at a distance with cold logic and rational analysis. This is what you’re being asked to do Taurus, this month. But how many of us are prepared to give up our habitual ways of perceiving, much less of living our lives without our precious identities? How many of us can be bothered even to entertain the idea that we may be something more than our limited egos? This is the esoteric meaning of the Hanged Man – something of greater value lies within, something that requires effort, patience and courage to discover. The point is to sacrifice our limited, distorted image of ourselves for something more enlightened.


Your ruler, Venus, is in a very prominent part of your solar chart this month – your first house – and this heightens your sensitivity to others, increasing your physical attractiveness. Being with a partner is wonderful at this time, and expressing love and affection most satisfying. A new love interest will be on its way for some. Plus, with the full moon on March 9, a matter of the heart is what occupies you. It is time for some truth to be told in an emotional relationship – at the very least you can gain considerable insight into what’s on a partner’s mind. Maybe you can help them out with a problem. LUNAR HIGHS: 1;27-28 Trust your intuitions where important personal decisions are to be made, especially at home; you may even be surprised to see a certain amount of luck breaking out. At least with the Lunar High you will find getting to where you want to go – metaphorically speaking – that much easier. LUNAR LOWS: 12-13 Try to find time now to be alone and totally relaxed. A good time to take things slowly and not to demand much of yourself. Beware – your energy and productivity can be easily depleted and the old workload can be heavy. Not only that, higher ups and those in authority tend not to give you much sympathy!

GEMINI MONTHLY HOROSCOPEGEMINI: May 22 to June 21  (Tarot – Queen Of Wands)

The Queen Of Wands is an image of inner strength and courage. The woman’s bearing here (in the Rider-Waite deck) indicates both pride and self-confidence, qualities resulting from the combination of Wands/Fire and the fixed, stabilising quality of the Queen card. She has the vigour and fiery enthusiasm of the other court Wands, but here these energies are powerfully contained and channeled. Her sunny nature and love for life are represented in the emblems around her. The feline animals symbolise both her passion for life and her strong and indomitable will. All of the Queens have this sustainable strength; here, the power is one of joy, inner confidence and magnanimity, together with the strength of personality that comes from a forceful spirit. No matter what life throws your way at this time, Gemini, you can call upon this inner strength – and dignity, too. On an external level, you may even meet with someone like this as the month progresses (the nearest sun sign equivalent is Leo) and he or she will be a positive inspiration to you.


Career wise, advantages now present themselves to get superiors to provide special assistance for you. Plus, you can see ahead much better where planning for the future is concerned and can take decisive action with at least one goal in particular. Self-promotion works wonders only too well now in a professional environment – as you should soon see! You may be full of energy this month and ready to take on the world though avoid the tendency to move on to new tasks with out finishing old ones. The Full moon on March 9 is a signal that something from your past that needs acknowledging and even dealing with. LUNAR HIGHS: 2-3; 29-30. On these days you could easily find yourself in a very competitive personal situation where a battle of egos gets underway, but the lunar high almost guarantees you’ll have greater self-confidence and can easily outdo any opponent. Better be humble in victory then! LUNAR LOWS: 14-16 You may not be feeling on top of the world, so wind down major activities at this time and let your imagination take over – not the best time for concentration and logic. You are probably more concerned – rightly so – about matters of personal privacy and may find yourself giving way to others in almost all situations. This is a good thing!

CANCER MONTHLY HOROSCOPECANCER: June 22 to July 22 (Tarot – Two Of Cups)

In the Rider Waite image, with its alchemical emblem (the lion symbolising the potentially perfect male-female union) and dynamic symmetry, this image is one of active relationship and balance. Everything here suggests exchange, give and take; what happens in one half of the picture is complemented by what happens in the other. With balance and interaction, there is the potential for a near perfect relationship, just so long as this dynamic give and take continues. This card thus signifies the potential for harmonious new friendship, a love affair or even a business arrangement. You are quite often a romantic soul, more attuned to fantasy, in love with idea rather than reality, and often uncommitted to the practical world. In fact there may be minor financial complications at this tine, but only to the extent that you don’t care for financial demands! However, the Cups Two is an indicator of harmony, reconciliation and attraction to others – someone out there is ready to make an emotional impact on you, if you did but know it. Put simply, someone good for you  is waiting in the wings, as the solar seventh house Jupiter now suggests.


You probably make one of the best listeners in the zodiac, with the ability to see things through the eyes of others; no doubt this is what makes you popular, now. You can combine this now with the urge to shine and adopt the social limelight. All things being equal, travel and getting about (the further the better) offer your most fulfilling times – get away from routine and do something completely different for a change. Certain personal freedoms are on offer right now, when you can take a more light-hearted, even philosophical view of life. By the time of the New Moon on the 24th a career opportunity may brighten things up! Seize the moment. LUNAR HIGHS: 4-5 Current ambitions and efforts to get ahead are unlikely to be in vain as you come across new input – this definitely seems to be something you can utilise. Your charisma at this time also brings warmth and affection from others. LUNAR LOWS: 17-18 A minor setback may take the wind out of your sails now and it may be time to go back to the drawing-board. Whilst your mind is active and ready to solve problems, don’t jump to conclusions about others.

LEO LEO: July 23 to August 23 (Tarot – Nine of Pentacles)

One of the more fortuitous Pentacles cards, the Nine (three times three equals creativity multiplied) depicts a finely robed woman in the Rider-Waite, holding aloft a hunting bird. She stands in a vineyard, with its abundant ripe fruits and foliage. ‘A sense of satisfaction’ is the traditional interpretation of this card, but what about the card’s symbolism? The falcon perched on the woman’s gauntlet represents the creative instincts; traditionally this bird is associated with the spiritual realm, or the soul-in-flight. Notice how the woman exudes care and respect for the bird, as if it were an extension of herself. Thus creative imagination has worked in combination with common sense to produce wealth and success, for the woman stands contentedly within the plentiful garden. The real message is that a proper estimation of one’s spiritual value (along with one’s capabilities) is required for material success – you only ever acquire what you think you are worth. Does this resonate with you Leos? It may be an augur of financial success this month, but it will only last if you heed the lesson.


Wit the sun in your solar eighth house for most of this month this is a major time of change and career readjustment. It’s important to re-evaluate your goals in life – think about changes in the direction of your life. It might be obvious that certain situations have run their course – the challenge now is to be rid of what’s no longer of value. You may have to pay close attention to your financial situation. The Full moon on the 9th places the emphasis squarely on money matters – a time when you may be able to secure a certain financial transaction or acquire a much needed loan – but the emphasis is on consolidation, not the creation of new wealth. In other words, things go well when there is money already available. LUNAR HIGHS: 6-7 A great time to be in the thick of things, as a word in the right ear may help along personal pursuits enormously. Don’t, therefore, be afraid to ask for favours – especially from those in an influential position. LUNAR LOWS: 19-20 You may have to ‘give in’ a little and put up with what you can see are minor aggravations. Then again, you could even develop a more understanding view of others and their needs – now what do you think is the best and wisest approach?

VIRGO MONTHLY HOROSCOPEVIRGO: August 24 to September 23 (Tarot – Seven of Swords)

In the Rider-Waite pack, a young man is stealing away from an enemy camp carrying five swords, while a further two remain upright in the ground. This is another path card in which things are about to become unbalanced; compare it to the Ten of Wands. The figure carries off five swords, which may imply a dangerously self-defeating act (the Swords Five means defeat) and leaves two behind (balance). Seven in numerology is often ambiguous; certainly it has little to do with direct willed action, and so this this card is about indirect actions – dishonesty, trickery, subterfuge or the simpler tactics of slippery diplomacy and wiliness. The rest of the image tends to confirm this: the man leads with his left (indirect, passive) foot on the path and appears to know precisely what he is doing, despite the potential danger. This kind of subtlety may be necessary for you Virgo, this month, to get ahead. A plan is being executed and the tactics are subtle ones. A little craftiness and cunning will serve your ends far better than open confrontation, Virgo, when this card appears in a spread.


The Full Moon occurs in your sign on the 9th of this month. Not only is this a time of increased influence over others (when your power to effect change is greater than you think) but activities on the practical level offer your best moments, like getting organised just the way you like it! Even modest successes will feel like a real bonus. With the sun passing though your solar seventh house of relating, your innate sensitivity to others at least makes you cut out for all kinds of successful relationships – especially personal ones where you’re emotionally involved. LUNAR HIGHS: 8-9 A breezy, taking-life-in-one’s stride approach seems apparent and life this trend will expose you to something new and unusual and ultimately beneficial. A positive frame of mind should prevail as daily life opens you up to new ideas – indeed, it’s a period for big thinking and taking chances. LUNAR LOWS: 22-23 Best to keep life simple right now; there may be unexpected demands for which you have little patience – especially in emotional relationships. Trying to please others may prove a thankless task, in fact you may have to dig in your heels over a personal matter where someone is taking things for granted.

LIBRA MONTHLY HOROSCOPELIBRA: September 24 to October 23 (Tarot – The Hermit)

In the Rider-Waite Hermit image, a solitary figure lives in the heights of a mountain. Such isolation and withdrawal not only produces focus and clarity; it also activates our unconscious, intuitive side as we listen to that still, small voice within. Removal from the world of everyday human interaction thus leads to the journey within. To an extent, this is your lesson for the month. The Hermit depicts a man in old age, a familiar archetype in occult tradition, representing the slow passing of time and the wisdom of experience. This is linked to the virtue of patience, for it is through letting things take their natural course that we absorb our life lessons. How many times have you heard it said that nothing worth having or doing was ever achieved in a hurry, whether it’s a personal relationship, a career or a friendship? These situations are better and richer for having matured slowly and gradually. Thus the Hermit is ultimately about the lessons of worldly wisdom – not the lightning intuitive flash of the brilliant quick-fire mind. Such hard-earned wisdom of experience is symbolised by the light of the hermit’s lantern.This card is asking for a deeper, more introspective Libran this month!


Getting things done, or impressing others in a more influential position, is at a premium now, as is getting the work-life balance just right. But don’t sacrifice your health for the sake of your routine – if you need to take a few days off don’t let it send you into a tailspin because things get left undone. When you get back to normal, you will be in far better health and more than up to the task at hand. The New Moon on the 24th is in your opposite sign of Aries – indicating that a relationship or casual friendship is about to reveal something new to you! LUNAR HIGHS: 10-11 More than any other sign – and as far as personal kudos goes – this is your best time of the month and puts you on the right footing regarding personal progress. Even if you don’t have massive ambitions, you can sense that all is basically alright with the world. This is the Lunar High after all; even where you have problems it feels as if you now have the solution. You do. LUNAR LOWS: 24-26 Advancement may be less of an option right now and obstacles can seem heavier than usual; it’s time to recharge batteries and rest. Here is where any desire to get your own way can easily fall flat; greater compromises and sacrifices may be called for in any goal oriented endeavour.

SCORPIO MONTHLY HOROSCOPESCORPIO: October 24 to November 22 (Tarot – Three Of Pentacles

In the Rider Waite deck, a mason completes work on an archway, presumably in a monastery; two other figures, a monk and an architect, inspect the work. Above their heads, within a Gothic arch, are three pentacles arranged in a symbolic triangle. The Pentacles Three is an image of productivity and skilful creation, which is nevertheless guided by more authoritative figures who should soon reward our efforts. But the monk (spirituality) and the architect (mental skills) are of course symbolic -they belong to us too. They suggest a higher principle associated with work: one that leads to excellence, great satisfaction and even self-discovery. On a broader level this card is about right action, about following the correct course of all things, and ultimately about mastering the skills of life itself. For Scorpios this month, you may sense you are being led towards a goal of hidden significance – it is that innate sense of being on the right path. Though a good monetary augur, try to think beyond the mere acquisition of finances and focus on the work and skills that got you here. Do that and the money will take care of itself.


With the sun passing through your solar fifth house this month you will want to adopt centre stage and carry things off with bags of charm. This, of course, gets you noticed! But the accent is also on a stimulated creativity and imagination – for the more introverted Scorpios among you! Plus, since fiery Mars traverses your solar third house of communication, maybe you need to beware of coming across as a kind of know-it-all. It doesn’t matter how much you really do known or that though you may have plenty of valid arguments to put forth, winning over others is what counts now! LUNAR HIGHS: 12-13 Professionally speaking, a time for tempting fate, it would seem – time to be bold in your approach where there’s a project dear to your heart. The pace of everyday life may increase so pace yourself – there are going to be unexpected demands on your time. But the outlook looks rosy! LUNAR LOWS: 1;27-28 It pays to emphasise the quieter side of life; not a period for trying to take on the world, so to speak. This may be a brief period of pressure and low energy so don’t be surprised to find it difficult getting your own way at this time.

SAGITTARIUS MONTHLY HOROSCOPESAGITTARIUS: November 23 to December 21 (Tarot – Queen Of Swords)

A queen sits on a throne, a raised sword in her right hand. A tassel hangs from her left arm, also raised, perhaps to bless someone. The Queen holds the only Sword in the court cards that is held aloft in a perfectly vertical position, symbolising pure and impartial judgement. It also stands for emotional detachment from a human situation. In traditional card interpretations this is because of some sorrow the Queen has at one time undergone. The position she now adopts is one seemingly above lowly human matters, with her head held high. She is the only court Queen who gazes off into the distance – her aloof posture also symbolises the mental distance from the world that is required in order to analyse, conceptualise, raise up and develop the intellect. Here, then, is someone with the characteristics of independence, idealism, honesty, self-reliance, stead­fastness and general loyalty to others. You may have to call upon such qualities yourself this month in some challenging situation, or you may even meet with someone like this as the month progresses (the nearest sun sign equivalent is Aquarius) and he or she will be a shining example to you.


With the sun passing though your solar fourth house of domestic life and the home, the time is nigh to go within and ponder your past, your roots: you benefit from a deeper sense of belonging. In any case, you should really enjoy a more supportive role from the family at this time. That being said, where finance matters are afoot, possible delays or mistakes occurring should be borne in mind and patience will be required. Be careful with investments and general budgeting – you may suffer from too much haste. Mars in your solar second house can now bring out the rash spendthrift in you! LUNAR HIGHS: 14-16 Use subtle tactics now to get what you want – positive new work trends are in operation so go for it. Plus, a huge decision may be called for – one that has you leaping over an obstacle in one big jump. Remember – you can’t do this with two small jumps! LUNAR LOWS: 2-3; 29-30 A trend typically of self defeat if you insist on winning at all costs. It may feel like going uphill in lead shoes – so do I have to spell it out that you simply, and above all, need to realise your limitations? Probably not – though it’s not what a Sagittarian really wants to hear!

CAP MONTHLY HOROSCOPECAPRICORN: December 22 to January 20 (Tarot – Five Of Wands)

Five young men armed with staves and dressed in an array of colours seem to be staging a mock battle. The whole scene is one of disarray. There is the makings of a crude triangle (harmony), but this is pierced through by another stave. The stability of the Four gives way to a new struggle, but these are often tests of patience that cannot be avoided. In short, the kinds of conflict represented by the Five of Wands are those closely bound up with the fabric of our very existence. Just as the young men in the image are really only playing, rather than seriously fighting, the irritations that come with the Five are often only of the minor kind and just have to be put up with. Only great ingenuity and forethought can prevent them. Think of Murphy’s Law: ‘If something can go wrong, it probably will’. Keep this in mind tis month, Capricorn. The frustration encountered here is really self-inflicted, for these problems are largely insoluble and have to be tolerated. Time for you to adapt to the necessities of the slow-moving, concrete world.


You now prefer to be in the driving seat professionally (in fact, you always do) but the more you go with flow – instead of asserting yourself – the better will your current plans turn out, now. For Buddhists, the ultimate cause of pain and failure is – ironically – desire. This is what makes you such a control freak – you want things to turn out just right. Well, we all want that, but we don’t all have to try and dominate everything around us! This tendency is accentuated strongly with pushy Mars in your sign this month. You have the energy and the passion – just groove with it, ease off and stop worrying about not succeeding! Be indifferent to success, if you can – for here is wisdom, believe it or not! LUNAR HIGHS: 17-18 The Lunar High often puts you on a winning streak and now you speed up the course of progress. You’re ambitious by default, so don’t try to have too many irons in the fire. Just focus on the one Big Project. LUNAR LOWS: 4-5 You may, whether you like it or not, have to defer to others judgment now and ‘bend’ more than usual – though dancing to another’s tune is not really your forte, you may have to sacrifice a few of your own desires to get anywhere. For sure, you may have trouble initiating things and getting them moving. It doesn’t last, though!

AQUARIUS MONTHLY HOROSCOPEAQUARIUS: January 21 to February 19 (Tarot – Four Of Swords)

In the Rider-Waite image, a solitary Knight portrays rest, stillness, repose and recuperation following the exhaustive strife of the Swords Three. But there are deeper connotations, for the stained glass window above the figure shows an individual receiving a blessing from Christ. The theme here is of healing or wholeness, for it is only when we have withdrawn and truly let go of conflict and trouble that the forces of the unconscious can take over and begin the renewal process. Thus, this is not merely a card of retreat from the hurly-burly of the world, but one of real (even spiritual) strength regained. This can only be achieved by letting go completely of our worldly cares and concerns. This is your mission, Aquarius, should you accept it, for this month. There is much wisdom is renunciation and letting go. Let go of the outside world – as Rumi once put it: ‘The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.’


Financially. you can look ahead to some basic improvement to your circumstances. However your best bet is in capitalising on recent positive beginnings in the material sphere. You can probably make use of some pretty subtle tactics now when it comes to getting what you want: it pays dividends to know what competitors are up to! LUNAR HIGHS:19-20 A physical peak when you do best being on the go – get an early start and on top of things. This trend also shows just how attractive you can be to potential friends and lovers, as social matters see you on a roll. LUNAR LOWS:6-7 Energy in short supply may cause some hesitation over major plans; this will tend to be unlucky for making vital decisions, to say the least. Something may be past its sell-by-date and holding on may no longer work for you – be as adaptable as possible

PISCES MONTHLY HOROSCOPEPISCES: February 20 and March 20 (Tarot – The Magician)

A young, red-robed man raises a wand heavenwards with his right arm, while his left points to earth. Above his head is the figure eight, or lemniscate, an emblem of completeness or eternity. This idea is echoed in the belt at his waist. The white wand pointing upwards stands for the Magician’s higher will, with which he seeks to harness the energies of the universe and direct them towards his own ends, spiritual or material. In a sense this higher will (also called simply spirit, or pure consciousness) is the overall animating force in human beings; it is what makes them want to live in the first instance. The Magician represents the desire on the part of the greater psyche to become self-aware, to undertake the great quest for knowledge and wisdom. From the individual ego’s point of view, the quest always leads back to the self. When this card appears in a spread, Pisces, the message is to have confidence and find your own inner strengths to make the changes you desire. This you can do now. May the force be with you!


With lovely Venus in your solar eleventh house of friends at this time you should be in most people’s good books; perhaps the odd favour or two will get done for you, since you certainly know how to get the most from others! And you’re certainly more firmly in the social mainstream. Look out for uplifting social calls and invitations bringing good news. Things go better in groups, now – do remember this! The sun is also boosting your personal power, confidence and charisma as it moves through your solar first house. On thing is certain: you will make a much bigger impact now on life and others (up the 21st at least!). Make way – world – for yours truly! LUNAR HIGHS 22-23 A planetary ‘pick up’ which gears you up for just about anything life can throw at you. For much of the time, thinking big is the name of the game as you intend having your own way – you should be pretty successful too! LUNAR LOWS: 8-9 There may be a downside to life and personal relationships, which can be tricky around now since a loved one may prove difficult to understand. Actually, time spent alone and in privacy now should prove time well spent, as they say.

We hope you found something useful in your March  Horoscope. Why not check out what else is in the Astrology category. And do try this marvellous feature on the Major Aracana on  A Little Spark of Joy

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