If you’d like to book a personal astrology consultation or a Tarot reading, please use the online form at the bottom of the page. Please note, due to the volume of charts,  that I’m usually unable to do written readings as of now – they simply take too long! I may make some exceptions, though, depending on how busy I am. If you really want a written reading, email me for details:



What kind of services are there?  


Here we’ll look carefully at your personal birth chart – it’s a map of your inner potential and tells us why you’re the kind of person you are, the energies at work in your love life and your career dynamics. I’m here to guide you through any problems you may have, to answer your questions – especially the one about why you attract specific situations into your life.

Birth Chart consultations cost £120 and will take about 90 minutes. 



This is for those of you who want to focus on questions about your future – it may be about a job, family, business or relationship. I’ll look at planetary trends for at least the next 2 years which will highlight times of major opportunity and rich potential; or periods of possible challenge. These are the phases when it’s either the right time to act, or the right time to take more care.

Prediction Chart consultations cost £120 (and take 90 minutes).



The Relationship chart is actually two charts, yours and your partner’s. This is not just sun-sign compatibility but an X Ray analysis of all the planets on each chart. It shows what you’re really looking for in love, and what you’re – actually – likely to find! I look at your partner’s chart, too, and see how the relationship is likely to succeed – or not. I also look at the Composite Chart, a chart of the relationship itself. It is highly accurate!

The Relationship Chart costs £150 (and lasts 90 minutes). 



This is an in depth reading where I discuss the coming months (up to about four) using at least two different spreads – the traditional Celtic Cross of 10 cards, plus the Horoscope Spread using 12. But the Tarot is not ‘fortune telling’ (in the sense of detailed predictions); rather, a glimpse of the universal energies (as with astrology) working through you at present, and an indication of how they’ll manifest. The Tarot ‘taps into’ the Universal Mind and shows how you’re both reading it and acting it out!

A Tarot consultation lasts for 30-40 minutes and costs £45.


What will be the format for my reading?


We can talk online via Skype, Google Chat or Zoom (for Google Chat you need a gmail account). If you leave your email address and/or Skype name when ordering I can then contact you, or send you a Zoom invite, and then arrange the audio reading (please disable your webcam). You’ll also  receive an MP3 recording of the session, which I’ll send to you on the same day as your consultation via the WeTransfer file storage and transfer service. (You’ll find a download link in your email inbox.) Then you can play your reading  back on your computer or MP3 player.


What do I do next?

To book your astrology consultation (or Tarot card reading), please fill out the form below that provides me with your name, date, time and place of birth – plus your email address. Please specify exactly the type of chart or reading you want – I’ll get back to you within 48 hours (usually sooner – I check emails at least once a day). Then we can arrange a suitable time for us both. Once we have done that, consultations are payable in advance and I’ll invoice you. (This will appear in your email inbox.) Payment online is processed securely through PayPal – just click on the yellow ‘View and Pay’ button on the invoice I have sent you. This will take you to the next page – so click on the blue PayPal ‘PayNow’ Button and follow the simple onscreen directions.





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