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Eckhart Tolle’s The Power Of Now – A Review, by James Lynn Page

Eckhart Tolle’s The Power Of Now – A Review, by James Lynn Page

I have been reading Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now recently, originally championed by the very popular Oprah Winfrey. (My acquaintance with the book is also a little belated, since it was first published in 1997, by  Namaste Publishing, Vancouver, Canada). I’ve even been watching the author on YouTube, and I’m pleased to say he […]

True Mindfulness And Meditation – Part One: Enter The Silence

True Mindfulness And Meditation – Part One: Enter The Silence

Before we discuss true mindfulness and meditation and its techniques, my basic Mantra is this: Stop Thinking – It Gets in the Way! Most of the time we simply don’t need it. What I mean here is that tendency towards analysing, comparing, judging, naming, checking, recalling, criticising, predicting, pondering and entertaining useless mental distractions. In […]

Spiritual Awakening and Depression – The Solution

Spiritual Awakening and Depression – The Solution

Depression is sometimes a sign of your spiritual awakening. It certainly is much more than grief or emotional hurt. This is somewhere we’ve probably all been: a parent dies, a husband or wife leaves us, a beloved pet passes away. Though these things are wounding, they are rooted in the emotions – our needs have […]

True Mindfulness and Meditation – Part Three: The Power of Intention

True Mindfulness and Meditation – Part Three: The Power of Intention

‘The inquisitive reader is bound to ask about how to develop the power of intention. The fact is we all try to manifest things through our intentions, sometimes they work, but less often than not. Now we see that this is because we are in our ego when we intend. But how do we change […]

Consciousness: 30 Wise Quotes from the World’s Greatest Minds

Consciousness: 30 Wise Quotes from the World’s Greatest Minds

Below is a selection of 30 wise quotes, aphorisms and inspiring sayings from my forthcoming Free Ebook anthology, ‘Thoughts From the Conscious Universe’. Unlike many lists of this kind, all of the following words are from the world’s greatest minds, whether from recent times or days past. And they all have a little more depth […]

Are Genes Conscious? (A New Look at Evolution)

Are Genes Conscious? (A New Look at Evolution)

  ‘One of the most crazy-making yet widespread and potentially dangerous notions is ‘oh, that behaviour is genetic’… for most people out there it winds up meaning a deterministic view of Life, one rooted in biology and genetics – genes equal things that can’t be changed.’ – Dr. Robert Sapolsky One of the most persistent […]

Where Do The Memories Live Inside Your Brain?

Where Do The Memories Live Inside Your Brain?

Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer. – Robert Epstein It seems to me immensely unlikely that mind is a mere by-product of matter. For if my mental processes are determined wholly by the motions of atoms in my brain I have no […]

Why Thoughts Aren’t in Your Head: What is Consciousness?

Why Thoughts Aren’t in Your Head: What is Consciousness?

Even a detailed knowledge of the brain’s workings and the neural correlates of consciousness may fail to explain how or why human beings have self-aware minds. – David Chalmers B. F. Skinner actually put forward – and this is a measure of scientific desperation over consciousness – the idea that consciousness was a weird vibrational […]

True Mindfulness And Meditation – Part Two: A Guide to Soulful Living

True Mindfulness And Meditation – Part Two: A Guide to Soulful Living

As we said in part one, Mindfulness requires that you have done with thinking. To stop living only in your head. Stop analysing things to death! Stop scrutinising, and trying to ‘work things out’, so to speak. Being rational is fine – but it doesn’t always give us the actual answers we need. Life isn’t […]

A Brief Guide to Creative Visualisation and the Sri Yantra

A Brief Guide to Creative Visualisation and the Sri Yantra

What is Creative Visualisation? Have you ever tried it? Done right, it’s exceedingly powerful. Essentially it’s the basis of all modern magic, and the so-called Law of Attraction, but maybe you need a little practice first – here’s a guide to getting started. Before any creative  visualisation work, you should make sure you’re as relaxed […]

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