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The Propaganda Files (part three): Avoiding Scammers and Fraudsters

The Propaganda Files (part three): Avoiding Scammers and Fraudsters

Here’s another kind of Fake News – the kind put out by scammers and fraudsters. Here is where we willingly open ourselves up to propaganda, manipulation and deception by others. But why would we do this? Well, the short answer is that we have accepted someone else’s authority – we’ve been conned into thinking the […]

What Is The Turin Shroud? A Medieval Fake, Right?

What Is The Turin Shroud? A Medieval Fake, Right?

Just what is the Turin Shroud? Isn’t actually a medieval fake? Or is it – as some still maintain, Jesus’ burial cloth, another Christian relic along with the mysterious Holy Grail? Can’t we solve the enigma once and for all? Are we even looking at an image of Jesus? Here is were the story gets […]

Are Genes Conscious? (A New Look at Evolution)

Are Genes Conscious? (A New Look at Evolution)

  ‘One of the most crazy-making yet widespread and potentially dangerous notions is ‘oh, that behaviour is genetic’… for most people out there it winds up meaning a deterministic view of Life, one rooted in biology and genetics – genes equal things that can’t be changed.’ – Dr. Robert Sapolsky One of the most persistent […]

The Propaganda Files (part two): Beware of Fake News!

The Propaganda Files (part two): Beware of Fake News!

Fake News is everywhere these days. Some of us, unfortunately, aren’t really paying attention and are just too ready to believe what we read, or what we’ve heard. There is a Paradigm at work, caused by a miasma of Propaganda (and, yes, Fake News) filtered via popular media like television, magazines, newspapers and the Internet. […]

The Propaganda Files (part one): Avoiding the Narrative

The Propaganda Files (part one): Avoiding the Narrative

The Propaganda war is as old as the hills, and it’s easily lost. All you need to do is believe everything you hear. Of course, no one wants to think they’re being persuaded what to think or feel, even though that’s the precise objective of modern political spin doctors, advertisers and media barons. However, the […]

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